I don't know if this is an obvious question or not, but what does everyone else do (so to speak)? How do they keep their tags in-post?
'Same Time, Same Place'
Buffistas Building a Better Board
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We remember to close our tags. that is for every t b We make sure that somewhere before the post ends there is a t /b
Oh other boards. Good question. Right. Talk amongst yourselves.
Actually, the code puts in a </p> for every two line breaks. So that's taken care of. No need to remember.
Silly browsers.
I know of one board (Bronze Camp) that does something we've been doing -- closing in a later post.
I just noticed that WX pages have the following comments at the top:
<!-- Page produced by Web Crossing(r)/Unix-4.1 (http://webcrossing.com/worldcrossing) for WorldCrossing-->
<!-- User interface (c)Copyright 1995-2002 by Web Crossing, Inc. All rights reserved.-->
<!-- World Crossing version 9/18/2002 -->
<!-- Logged in as: ita (4156e) 2002-09-23-21.07.20 GMT from xx.xx.xx.xx Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) -->
<!-- Currently 2002-09-23-21.11.55 GMT 149.yzhmeXakhCs.13 Master Server .ee6b280 access: -->
Snerk. And here I thought I was the one who continually volunteered for insanely huge projects. There's the site design, deciding what content to present and how to present it, chasing down umpteen-bajillion dead links when people move or redesign their site structure...
So long as it's a simple layout, with understood weekly checks for dead links, I can deal.
Moved from the other thread. (thanks, ita)
But, seriously... how do we want to handle this?
What are your opinions on using the links code?
Rio's non-closed whitefont tag led to the post after hers ending up in whitefont as well.
Leaving aside the idea of automatically closing tags, or force-closing tags, nobody bothered to say "Rio doesn't need to code her own white-font tags any more?"
We coded a short-cut, remember?
To each ...
But the principle still stands -- some people just (d/w)on't like that, and there are un-shortcutted tags.
Well just for the record, any solution that involves us trying to second-guess the HTML and browser relationship is just doomed to failure. If people make a mistake, then we have admins to fix it. Much better than trying to figure out all possible combinations of bad HTML and all the possible ways a browser might try to display them.
And someone should tell Rio about the s-shortcut next time she's around.
But what about Gar's suggestion that the tags be counted and forced closed? I don't love the cycles, but ...
What the hell does WX do?