Jon, I noticed your code in Technology, and this part:
$body = 'username: ' . $_user->name
made me think -- what happens to interpolated variables in PHP which have dots in them?
I mean as
$x = $firstname . $lastname
is the code to smoosh two vars together, what happens if one of the vars contains a dot itself? I'm sure I'm barking up the wrong tree but it could explain it.
My husband had a problem with the ballot, too (he ended up sending an e-mail, correctly, I hope) and his name has an apostrophe.
t does the smug dance of the punctuation-less
t but has not sent in vote yet. should do that
Am I supposed to be unable to have a number less than five in my refresh box in Message Centre now? Because it was still set to three today. I've changed it.
ita did the changes manually, so you might've just been missed.
Fair enough if it was
manual. But if there was some kind of programmatic "update users set update_time = 5 where update_time < 5" then something went wrong with it, I'd say.
what happens if one of the vars contains a dot itself? I'm sure I'm barking up the wrong tree but it could explain it.
No idea, but as Elena pointed out, it's not just dots so I don't think that's it.
John, I think it's the regexp:
"/^([a-z ]*^<)?([a-z0-9._-])+@([a-z0-9.-])+(\\.)([a-z]{2,4})(>)?$/i"
for checking a valid e-mail address that's choking on name punctuation.
Oh, OK, that makes sense, but why is that checking people's names -- because we're doing them in the form:
John H <>
or something?
So just chuck out the nice bit and just reduce it to the bare address is the quick solution.