What was the original href text? Firefly: Immediate Assistance?
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What was the original href text? Firefly: Immediate Assistance?
I'm not sure this is the right place to mention this, but there's an open tag in Buffy 3.(Spoiler tag not closed)
I think it's fixed now. At least it looks all right to me.
So all the slugs are linky in Netscape 4.7? What are they linking to?
BIG kisses to ita.
Heh. No problem.
Or so it feels now.
Search feature is down, until it goes live.
Sorry about that, but it's got to have reins put on before it's ready for prime time.
ita, you star!!!
ita rocks! If I had the resources, I would send her hot men and cold booze.
ita deserves kudos! And Orlando Bloom! Or Legolas, whichever she prefers.
Well done, ita.
I have another brilliant idea. No! Wait! Come back!
User-defined whitefont. tags like (a3.5), and if your Angel watching profile isn't up to Season 3 ep 5 it's whitefonted. Is that workable? I don't know. But it would be groovy.
I don't know about the coding of it, Jim, but I do know that it already awfully hard just to get people to remember to close tags, much less remembering to specify how white-fonty the tag is to be.