Now why is it that quick-edit has to insert spaces?
'Cause you use a hard return, which gets read as a space in the HTML. It's possible that someone smarter than I knows a programming sort of way around that, but even the knowledge of its possibility is nothing at all in my level of HTML-understanding.
That's a good reason. I don't like the baggage on hard returns, though. I had a huge debugging problem once trying to print text into Notepad with C++ because you have to use \\l, \\n, or something weird instead of just the linebreak.
ita wouldn't like it. it would force spaces, wouldn't it?
So what if it forces spaces? Why is it bad for an em-dash to have a space on either side?
Oh, who's competitive now?
You guys are arguing over whether an em-dash should have spaces? It's times like these that I'm not so sorry that I'm behind in a bunch of threads.
t edit
I'm on RL's side.
You guys are arguing over whether an em-dash should have spaces? It's times like these that I'm not so sorry that I'm behind in a bunch of threads.
Yeah. The Angel thread kind of got a little off the topic...
I'd still like it as a quick-edit, although in my perfect world, there are no spaces around it, so perhaps I'll just get really good at typing the entity.
Coincidentally, I was just searching for that entity yesterday when I was HTMLifying the Mythology FAQ. I put spaces around it. :P
For reasons I cannot explain, I keep leaving the # out of it when I type it. Though not when I use it.
— is my friend, but spaces are incorrect. Damn it.