I just checked, and it's in the shooting script for "Checkpoint," but not the transcript.
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It's like some conspiracy. I was going to check out the quote in the episode, only to realize that the tape it's on was borrowed by my friend's girlfriend and never returned.
Fine, fine, I'll check the tape (at some point) and get back to youse all.
Sorry to skip to the end just to bitch, and this may have been mentioned before, but I just couldn't bear to read 2800 messages when I'm so far behind in Buffy 2>3.
For some reason I get this quote:
We die horribly and painfully, you go to hell and I spend eternity in the arms of baby Jesus.
Gunn, 'There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb'
On practically every page. It's a classic, but I'm so tired of it! Is it just me?
Also, what was the upshot on the whole Buffy-Angel quotes not being separated to avoid spoilage discussion? (I was going to ask if there was any discussion of this, but then I remembered this was the Buffistas I was dealing with - of course there was discussion. That's why I ♥ Buffistas.)
[ETFC and for clarity]
They know, abby. It's a database thing but no one knows why it shows up more often.
I've been wondering if it should be changed to Willow's line from Weight of the World about "We've already dejaed this vu," but then I think other people might find that more annoying.
Also, for the record: Angus G.
Perhaps we should have an "Aussie counter" (or a "Backward Antipodean Counter") somewhere on the site so people don't have to keep asking. Low priority feature request?
seemed to want to be mentioned in this thread.
I missed the original post. What's an "Aussie counter"?
An indicator of where the Antipodeans are in the Buffy/Angel season.
Which, it's true, is a rather FAQ.
How about regularly updating the Unamericans thread slug?