I don't know whether to be strangely complimented or freaked out that googling my Smith lyric turns me up as the fifth or so search result. Hi, me! (Okay, on re-searching I come up later. I don't know why that is.)
I know I've posted near VIPs way more times than that, though, so I wonder why the one came up-- it was when Tim posted about Battlestar Galactica, for goodness' sake.
Huh... there's a Theodosia, Missouri!
Shawn, I think it's the announcements that count. Someone must have submitted those, or they got linked to from Whedonesque, et al.
I think Whedonesque linked to them.
Is there any way to make them un-googlable again? (un-googleable?)
If there's a robots.txt file on the site, and Google's ignoring it, you can ask them to remove the page from their listing. You'd probably have to do it on a page-by-page basis though, which would be challenging, to say the least.
David (Knut?) why not open the old archive as an html and do a ctrl-F find for what you're looking for?
Yeah, that's a do-able suggestion, Wolfram. I was just looking for a way to do it which would validate my laziness. I tell you, us lazy people, we need a lobby.
suggestion to put this link up on the ... the... don't know what it's called, the description of the F2F thread, the way there's a link under Farscape and Firefly on the main page. Because it's a really nice web link and oh so useful.