Knut, that request isn't currently on the table. Off the top of my head, it would be a big deal.
Looks like someone might have submitted this site to search engines. If I google my or Dana's tag (for instance) it shows us at the top. Relevancy ranking's a bitch ... it's the Firefly 2 thread. My hit is a page with Tim, Dana's are a page with joss and one with Allyson's "no pickup" announcement. I don't think that's much of a coincidence.
Still, I'm doublechecking the robots.txt to keep the threads out.
Anyone know what's up with JohnH? His website's down.
Googling my tag brings nothing. Just FYI.
Don't know, SA. Samspade says it doesn't exist.
Elena, have you posted in Firefly?
I sure have. Recently, too. It's where we were having the discussion about Austrailian movies, no?
Damn. Really needed Mr. Pointy too.
83 times. Hmm. Dunno, Elena. Perhaps you weren't in proximity to VIP posts? It doesn't look like the whole site is in Google.
Very likely with the not being in proximity. Just thought it was interesting.
Knut, that request isn't currently on the table. Off the top of my head, it would be a big deal.
OK. I was just hoping for a way to find stuff in the old Sang Sacre threads, but it's no big.
Googling my tag doesn't get anything, either. I don't think I ever posted within 10 posts of a VIP, though.