Some of it - 'date requested', for instance- just needs finding, by scareing out the posts themselves. I can do that when I have lots of time. Some of it already exists in the form of 'implementation stage'- that's notes I've taken along the way 'so-and-so is working it', 'it's being tested' or suchlike, but I don't have dates for that sort of thing, because I assumed I was simply keeping a 'what's happening now' list.
As for simple ways to post it to the mailing list or here, um... not simple. (Which mailing list, specifically?)
The development mailing list.
Right. I'm not on that, and I'm not sure if I should be or not. I don't really count as a developer.
In the first instance, I'm putting general dates (like, month/year) for things, to give me some idea.
Whoever is maintaining the task list is part of the development team, and therefore should be on it.
And you are.
Is that 'you are' 'are part of the team', or 'you are now on the list'? If it's the first (as I suspect it is), can you tell me how to acheive the second, please?
You are on the list. The list has not yet been posted to.
Jolly good.
I have a note that 'Display list of user names and e-mail adresses' is active on the test site. Is that the case?
That can be changed to "search for user by e-mail address", which is partially coded.
Thank you. More questions will be forthcoming, but not for a while.
That can be changed to "search for user by e-mail address", which is partially coded.
Speaking of which, would you like me to fix that up, or have you been working on it? I have a bit more time now.