ita, this is the weekend of Further Confusion, a sci-fi/anthropomorphic con in San Jose, which various members of my household are deeply enmeshed in staffing. I may or may not go to the con, but they have an Internet Room there, and I can do needed CVS set-up remotely, if necessary.
So the short version is: Send me a list of people (with e-mail addresses) who need CVS access, and I'll see that they're live by Monday night, by hook or by crook.
Did you know that, when you select a listbox, you can type in what you're looking for and it will pop down to the correct entry. You can just type in the first letter, or the first couple of letters, and it will jump to the first entry that starts with the same letter(s). Since the lists are in alphabetical order, it's the same as a search box but (IMO) more flexible.
Thinking about it a little more, I really prefer the multiline listbox to a search box. If a situation arises where you can't cut and paste, and/or you get a letter wrong, it's a pain in the neck to find the user you want. I'd much rather have immediate access to a whole list of emails,
that I can
search by quickly typing in the first few letters.
Karl -- why don't you give me a yell when you're out of the con shadow, and we'll lock stuff down then.
You can just type in the first letter, or the first couple of letters, and it will jump to the first entry that starts with the same letter(s).
Depends on the browser. Some only let you scroll by first letter. IE 5.5 here only lets me do that, and it makes the username scroll box pretty tedious for me, but I'm never cutting and pasting there, so I have to put up with it.
The usability of the e-mail list box to me is about parallel to my doing straight SQL for the answer.
For e-mails, I'd rather at least both options, if people are going to still use the scroll. Though I must admit the volume considerations make me think that we should populate both the lists at once, with one instead of two times seven hundred plus hits.
Some only let you scroll by first letter. IE 5.5 here only lets me do that
You're right. My bad.
I must admit the volume considerations make me think that we should populate both the lists at once, with one instead of two times seven hundred plus hits.
But then only one of the fields would be in alphabetical order, or do I misunderstand you?
But then only one of the fields would be in alphabetical order, or do I misunderstand you?
should work less intensively than two separate sets of queries.
I'm not familiar with asort(), but I'm guessing there would be a button or buttons on the page that would re-sort by either field? Kind of like the original page I designed a month or two ago?
No -- same page design, but the current code loads two 700+ pick lists with two separate sets of jaunts to the database. I do not want to do that. I understand that a pick list is mandatory for the user IDs, and will cave on the e-mail addresses), but we can grab the info for both lists in just one set of hits on the database, instead of two.
OK, I think I see what you're saying. I'd have to check at home to see exactly how I coded it to be sure I get it. I put in two separate SQL queries? Bad Jon!
Two separate functions -- one per list.