Now that the complete thread list is several screens long, it's getting to be more of a pain to get to the right checkbox.
Hmm. I like it that way, since I have to be down there to click the button anyway. I just scoot to the end of the screen, check, click, move on. Otherwise you have to stop midway down the screen, and then again at the bottom.
No -- content is deleted when a post is deleted. Gone, bye bye, forever.
I stand corrected! (guess I oughta take a better look at the code, eh?)
On Monday we hit 700; now I'm seeing 722. What are we up to now, and does this mean that celeb posts mean an almost exponential increase in registration ("and they told two friends, and they told two friends...")?
722 userids are out there but admin is user #1 and a few folks have multiple IDs for Sang Sacre.
I just put stuff in brackets when I edit it in. Saves typing.
Is it possible to force text to wrap when people do those insanely long hyphenated compound words? It's crazy making on a good day, but when I've threadsucked a several hundred posts and they're all bleeding off the screen, I really get cranky (and a little nauseous).
I thought it was just my low screen resolution at home, but it was still happening at school when I was reading a monitor with a much higher resolution.
It's browser dependent, Sue. Try IE.
Try IE.
Grrr...I do that for threadsucking at home, but they've totally disabled IE at work.
(edit: That "grrr" was for IE , not you, Jon.)
Actually, that was lousy advice. I would never suggest that someone switch to a product of the Evil Empire. As a stompy, I try to fix long hyphenations when I see 'em, and I know that others do so as well. So if you see one, let us know!