Could there also be a link in the nav column on the left.
I think it should be in one place or the other but not both. The logic behind my putting it under the thread name is that thread specific stuff should go there. I know that the UI lets you suck any thread, but the common use of the function is more thread specific than the links on the left. Right now, it looks a little strange up there all by its lonesome, but it will someday be joined by its cousin, the "Subscribe" link.
Could it be in the
Read New | Message Center | First | Previous | etc
row, instead of right under the thread title? That way it's clearly related to the thread one is in, but not so hidden away.
Threadsuck rocks. I didn't have any problem with it, and I noticed it right away. In fact, I thought, will threadsuck appear on all threads?
In fact, I thought, will threadsuck appear on all threads?
You mean that you wondered when you first saw it, or are you still wondering? Because it's there on all threads...
Sorry, wasn't clear, when I first saw it. I thought it might just be in bureaucracy, the thread I checked first.
It's great, btw.
Jess, there are already so many links in that row, that it's probably more likely to be lost or confusing there than where it is.
How long will it take to add the subscribe link up there?
Well, the code has to be written first. Is it on the list? I don't remember.
I don't have strong feelings, but I do kind of like it out of the way up there.
Oh, I thought it was just a small tweak to existing code from the Profile page. My bad.
Whoot! So, DX...will you be updating your archives? Can I help you? Because my connection's mindbogglingly slow, but a) you have been tremendously useful to me with the archives in the past and b) when I go out of town next week, I'm going to have access to a T1 line.
Yup, I guess I'll have to. I need to play with the new toy. Then we need to go back and take a look at the WX threads to see if we can gin up a better way of getting them.