That's what I meant, Amy. I don't think anyone above disagrees with you.
Uh, yeah... I took so long blowharding that a bunch of other people hit all the same points much more neatly before I managed to hit "post". Please ignore.
Edit: Am? Message received, and I'll email you when I get home tonight, but it's not really the thing to be discussing in this thread.
Please ignore.
No worries. I just thought you misunderstood me.
There was a search engine type thing for this board, right? I mean, aside from Nilly.
I was getting repeated network connection errors on Netscape 4.** (Mac) and switched to IE. I just got a network connection error on IE5 (Mac).
Anyone want to rewrite the site so it delivers XML, and then implement XSLT? It would simplify things SO much.
Anyone want to rewrite the site so it delivers XML, and then implement XSLT? It would simplify things SO much.
I will do it. I will code the ring to Mordor.
Uh, I can't do that, because I know jack about PHP, but I can help write or customize a DTD if we go XML.
Admittedly the idea was the spawn of an especially tedious day-long tech briefing with 200 word powerpoint slides, but really -- it would ease the difference between a standard page, a fuck-work page, a work-paranoid page and a threadsuck page, neh?
My XSLT is pretty limited, but it does need to improve.