Here's a rough go at suggesting an organization (and it feels like this should this be in bureaucracy - but it seems to have moved here):
Notes: I split the Bitches' stuff between general and specific natter. It may be that the bitches would like all their stuff under one header. I don't know. Fic writers and writers in The Great Write Way might also want a separate category. For now, I was trying to keep to as few categories as possible.
Site Administration (keep as is, in sidebar)
Sunnydale Press If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me Coffee On My Monitor Bureaucracy 1: Like Kafka, Only Funnier Buffistas Building a Better Board Mejiaville Nillytown When come back bring tape
General Natter
All Ogle, No Cash -- It's Not Just Annoying, It's Un-American Goodbye and Good Riddance 2002: A Very Buffista Holiday Thread Natter 6: We're wearing the cheese RIGHT NOW!! Natter V. Natter [closed] Natter Free 4 All [closed] Natter 3: My Life and Times of Me, as Seen by Me [closed] Natter: 2 Good 2 B 4 Gotten! [closed] Natter 1: Agnes Bertiz, we hardly knew ye [closed] Spike's Bitches 2: These Bitches Got Some Funding Spike's Bitches 1: Heart of Snarkness [closed]
Specific Natter (or whatever's chosen for title)
Bitchy Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies Buffista Corp Buffista Music 1: "The Music (and who can blame it...) Swells" Buffistechnology F2F Planning Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers The Great Write Way Literary Buffistas: Don't Speak Latin in Front of the Books LotR - The Two Towers: "Dude, Where's my Precious?" PPO Sang Sacre 1: It's a Blood, Blood, Blood, Blood World Spike's Bitches Anthology Project
TV Guide
Angel 1: SpongeVamp Leatherpants The Quotable Angel: Can I say it? I wanna say it. Buffy 2: Hey, I've Died Twice Buffy 1: No, You're Not the Only Watcher [closed] The Quotable Buffy: She said that? When? Firefly 2: You Can't Take the Sky From Me. Firefly 1: Josssssss Innnnn Spaaaaaaaaaaace! [closed] The Quotable Firefly: Oh, my God, I am a hack... Previously 1: The Who Whating How With Huh? The Jossverse in Other Media Due South: Mountie Fetishists Anon! Farscape 1: Fetch the Comfy Chair Smallville 1: Clex!
Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness Buffy and Angel SPOILERS Spoilage Lite: Angel Spoilage Lite: Buffy Firefly Spoilers
(edited to close a stray tag -- amych)