Hmm. Looking at the ASCII doesn't help much. Your post reads:
49 20 74 68 69 6e 6b 2e 0d 0a 0d 0a 0d 0a 49 20
for I think.
through to I
Let me paste it here:
I am posting from Opera 6. I was using Opera 5 and/or Opera 6 beta, I think.
I am using 2 or three or four hard returns, not just one.
edit: Yep -- that same stuff from the DB displays just fine for me. I'm not sure how you're bypassing the parsing, Sophia.
Yes. But weird -- Opera 6.what? And Mac, right?
Mac, and Opera 6 C? Does that make sense?
This is what the version infor says:
Version information
Java 1.3.1 Plug-in
Gentle suggestion: move "About this site" above "FAQ" on the home page. It gives a nice introduction and defines some of the acronyms that the FAQ launches into but doesn't define until later.
Good call, Java.
In fact, more to the point, if we replaced "Read the FAQ, then join in" on the front page with "Read About This Site, then join in", that would resolve all my issues with the fact that the FAQ is long and obscure.
Or perhaps just make that sentence less of an
A person I wanted to introduce here was a bit frightened off by the FAQ, and was only reading it because it unequivocally instructs newbies to read it first before you join in.
I hope she didn't come by during the Tourette'sSyndrome!Rio period...
I was looking at the "About this site" page, and I noticed that the credits include Michele T's, Tom W's, and Jesse's last names, which none of them use over here. Are you guys (Michele, Tom, and Jesse) comfortable with that?
Also, my name shouldn't have a space in it.
Good point, DX. I'm assuming they're not and I fixed it.