I had imagined searching and removing the tags from the open list immediately after finding a close tag, as opposed to collecting all the opens and closes and doing it after.
That's in the list of "Things I Know How To Do In Perl, But Not In PHP" I'm afraid.
I'm using a regex function to grab all the openers and put them in an array, and the same function to grab all the closers, but I don't see a way to do "while(still finding tags){code}" in PHP.
OK have a look at [link] and see what you think.
Looks great. Only thing I see is the tag comparison needs to be case-insensitive.
the tag comparison needs to be case-insensitive
Ahem. Adding a couple of lowercasing functions...
Know what we need, as more people dive into the coding pool? CVS¹ or something like. It was bad enough managing versions when it was just me, but as the holdup with me rolling out Jon's changes attests, n is larger than one, and it's going to get messy.
Can anyone run a CVS server?
¹ No, not the pharmacy chain.
Can anyone run a CVS server?
I know how. I don't have a server that can host it.
Does the host of buffistas.org allow ssh or telnet access? If so, you might be able to host CVS here.
There is ssh. But we don't have rights to install anything.
CVS is pretty standard on Unix boxes. Might be installed already.