This may not be at all relevant, but I'm curious: how come, when you forget the last " in an a href thingie (which I just did), it messes up the way the page displays, but if you use a ' instead, it breaks everything?
I think that the post that broke everything had a ' instead of a " for the first quote, not the last one.
John is doing the coding
Ooh, am I? Scary. I'm just kind of sketching out code, I'm not necessarily thinking I'll be coding the whole interface thing. I just kind of started playing with it because it's a regular-expression type thing.
I was imagining that, like with quick-edit, I'd give ita a chunk of code to insert into the main body of the Board.
I don't know why one should be worse than the other though, just a matter of where Jon's use single and where he's used double quotes.
Double quotes appear more often than single quotes, so using a single quote to start a link and not closing it properly is likely to affect more of the page than if you start a link with a double-quote and don't close it properly.
Hey, anyone, what's the correct way to get the last item of an array in PHP? I can't seem to see it in the online manual -- should I just use
or what? It looks clunky.
Hey, anyone, what's the correct way to get the last item of an array in PHP? I can't seem to see it in the online manual -- should I just use
$array_name[count($array_name)] or what? It looks clunky.
$value = end ($array);
There are some nice array navigation commands in PHP.
end($array) resests the internal pointer PHP maintains for each array to the last element of $array and returns the value.
reset($array) resets internal pointer to first element of array, and returns the value of that first element.
current($array) returns the value element of the array to which the pointer is set.
next($array) advances the pointer and returns the value of the resulting element.
each($array) returns the current element, then advances the pointer.
so next() and each() are differentways of navigating an array forward.
prev($array) decrements the pointer by 1, and returns to the new current element.
Also, if you have not used it, look up array_walk(). Basically a for next loop specifically for arrays.
Also, I assume you know that in PHP an array does not have to be accesed by number. You set up an associative array as follows:
$myrRecord=array("LastName"="Horner", "FirstName"="John", "Company"="ThatAussieNetwork");
Then use the extract function as follows:
You will now have a scaler variable LastName with a value of Horner and so forth.
So: echo $LastName $FirstName $Company ;
will return
Horner John ThatAussieNetwork
You don't have to use the extract() function of course. You can access the array directly by index values rather than number.
echo $MyRecord["LastName"] $MyRecord["FirstName"] $MyRecord["Company"] ;
will also display;
Horner John ThatAussieNetwork
Actually, in both cases, it will display
Horner John ThatAussieNetwork
t /nitpick
Okay, something comprehensible flew by and now I have a question...
Quotes? In links? Am I doing something wrong by just using a href and not putting any quotes in there, whether single or double?
[edit: Well, I'll be. That's
<a href=>test</a>
which I didn't think was supposed to work. Anyone know why it does anyway?]
Not using quotes is, IIRC, deprecated. Quotes are recommended (and hopefully soon mandated for the forgetful among us == me) for all attributes. They are currently mandatory for any attribute with a space or other special thingy in them.
t font face="Arial Rounded MT Bold"
for instance, although one should say
t font face="Arial"
and not
t font face=Arial
Ah -- I thought they were mandatory for all attributes already.