You were very nearly devoured by a giant demon snake. The words 'let that be a lesson' are a tad redundant at this juncture.
Giles, 'Never Kill A Boy On The First Date'
This is actually from "Reptile Boy."
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
You were very nearly devoured by a giant demon snake. The words 'let that be a lesson' are a tad redundant at this juncture.
Giles, 'Never Kill A Boy On The First Date'
This is actually from "Reptile Boy."
do people know about this page ? Cause I'm thinking a lot of the work is done for the episode guide.
There are a bunch of places to gank the info.
AFAIK, our angle would be a) it's ours b) we can vote and rank and stuff c) we'll have the coolest searching options ever.
Mootest of the moot, since no volunteers have stepped forward with offers to code it. Or the quiz, either.
I am a gatherer, not a coder.
also? insent again.
C'mon! All the cool kids are coding.
I just realized, above and beyond guides or quizzes, we have a feature need that's reasonably compartmentalized. Quote editing.
For this I'd love coding and design volunteers.
The second paragraph of this t pre changes font for no apparent reason.
Hmm. Jon? John?
<pre>'They'll turn me in thy arms, lady,
An adder and a snake;
But hold me fast, let me na gae,
To be your warldly mate.
'They'll turn me in your arms, lady,
A grey greyhound to girn;
But hald me fast, let me na gae,
The father o your bairn.
They'll turn me in your arms, lady,
A red het gad o iron;
Then hand me fast, and be na feard,
I'll do to you nae harm.
'They 'll turn me in your arms, lady,
A mother-naked man;
Cast your green kirtle owr me,
To keep me frae the rain.
'First dip me in a stand o milk,
And then a stand o water;
Haud me fast, let me na gae,
I'll be your bairnie's father.'
I don't have the code to hand, but we have overlapping tags, but even that doesn't explain to me what formatting is active in the subsequent verses.
Note that I didn't put in the t p tags; all I did was put in the t pre and place blank lines between stanzas.
Like thisand this
and this
The t p tags are automatically put in around every block of text delimited by two hard returns. However, this should *not* happen inside a t pre block, since it just confuses.
I copied betsy's quote into the test environment (clicking on "edit" for her post and copying what was in the text box) and got some VERY weird results - it looks like the post is getting truncated to 255 characters(!). I'm assuming that this is something that's only in test right now?