All bugs aside, I have to say I like this place.
229 people who've posted at least once. I don't know where they all came (back) from, but I'm glad they did.
I'm itching for another "from where? when?" survey.
edit: and maybe if I spent less time posting and more coding ... at the moment I top the poster list, with more than
more posts than the next person.
Ah, well.
Not naming names, but the top post counts at last tally are 3116, 2690, 2605, 1563, 1480, 1388, 1376, 1340, 1317, 1208, 1180, 1158, 1146, 1122, 981, 947, 879, 835 ...
Think how much more krav I could have been doing instead of posting!
Name names, ita! Curious minds want to know.
Whatever happened to the episode database idea? That was bubbling around in the back of my head as the learn-PHP idea. Not that quiz is worse.
Kat, you had 1340.
Holy Moly, that's a lot of posts.
And I'm 8th!! No way. Hard to believe.