Let's just make sure the anti-javascript contingent doesn't have a problem with it
The trick is that the button itself is written with JavaScript, so, by definition, anyone who doesn't have JavaScript will never see it.
I haven't tested on Netscape and Mozilla and whatever. What did you look at it with?
Oh, and ita, would anything weird happen on submission of the form, now that it's got a new input? I don't think so, but we could always make it a text/image link, not a button, if that was a factor.
John, as long as none of the original elements are altered, the form should be just fine.
I don't see any problem with this except the question of where it should go on the edit profile screen so it'll be clear and not cluttery.
I like John's placement on his sample page: [link]
That should work, though you may want to see if we can get the explanatory text closer to the text-entry box to make it clearer what goes with what.
Actually, as I'm typing this, I'm wondering instead about using a button image that more closely resembles the "post message" one. Different sorts of tasks, sure, but a consistency about what a button looks like can be good as well.
I just did minor tweaking -- Netscape 2 hated it, so I made it three-and-above only.
If you refresh now Jon, you can see the latest version between "start" and "end" comments for your cut-and-pasting pleasure.
I agree about the button, but that would require a fancier javascript function. John's uses the default button that required no special coding.
I just tested it on Mozilla, Netscape 4.7X and IE, all on Windows ME, and it seems to work in al of them. My only aesthetic concern is that the button is kinda big in IE.
t edit
Whoops! Didn't get John's newest mod. Back soon.
I'm wondering instead about using a button image that more closely resembles the "post message" one.
Sensible. As I said, it can be a button, an image or even a text link.
What we also need is the wording. "There are x chars in the tagline box. You have a problem."? Boring -- anyone got something a little more Buffistalike?
For the test version I was working with, I used:
- Danger Will Robinson! There are n characters in the tag field.
- You're five by five, B! There are n characters in the tag field.
I don't love the first one, (grew up without Lost In Space, in rural England. Issues.) but that's the general idea.
Should it perhaps say "...you're only allowed 255" or is that too much fuss?
Should it perhaps say "...you're only allowed 255"
It says that already, just above the text box. No need to repeat ourselves.