Yeah, me too:
October 30, 2002, 1:08 pm Jesse[8]: ERROR [2] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) line 69 of file /home/buffist/public_html/classes/giles.php
October 30, 2002, 1:08 pm Jesse[8]: ERROR [2] MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) line 69 of file /home/buffist/public_html/classes/giles.php
Also, I'm not sure how I feel yet about the moved posting box -- change is hard! -- or the colored thread name. I LOVE having the thread name there, though.
There has been an error. It's of the type we call fatal. Please don't be scared. You're not the one that's going to die.
God I love this message. Can I use it in my own software?
Add me in. IE 5.5 on Win98 on a dial-up server (love surfing from home)
Those errors mean that either the database server went down, or the host dropped the connection to it.
Making note, keeping track, and noticing I'm always working during those errors. Maybe it's my attention that keeps Hostrocket running.
For a balanced look at the bottom of the page, either the "Buffistas Home | FAQ | etc" line should be aligned with the posts, or the posting box should move back to the left.
Jon, how about
"To post in
Threadname Verylong Wittyclever,
compose your text in the box below, then click "Post Message."
Michele - If you're putting in a hard line-break after the thread title, I think it can look ugly. It's simple, using a table, to make the text have the same width as the posting box. Then, the text will always break in the appropriate place, although the thread title might wrap to the second line. I still think that would look better. What do you think?