MSW isn't my browser.
I meant, Word. You don't have any wordcount-having word-processing application on your computer?
'Dirty Girls'
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
MSW isn't my browser.
I meant, Word. You don't have any wordcount-having word-processing application on your computer?
You don't have any wordcount-having word-processing application on your computer?
Yeah, but it still isn't my browser.
All right then; I thought you meant you didn't like counting them by hand.
I know people who do that....
I thought you meant you didn't like counting them by hand.
By hand, or by starting another memory heavy application to paste and check, and ...
It's a tagline change. Expecting or encouraging the user to fire up a word processor for that is terrible system design.
Sorry, m'm.
I have a question, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong:
I was just trying to quote a conversation of two people (in COMM), so I used the '>' at the beginning of the line. I wanted the two speakers to follow each other, without a blank line in between, so at the end of the first speaker's words I put t br then started a new line at my posting-box and quoted the second speaker. In each case, with or without a '>' at the beginning of the second speaker's words, it had a spacing of a blank line from the former sentence, and I couldn't make it go away.
Oh, and using t pre just made the lines longer than the screen's width, and didn't help at all with the spacing. But I was probably using that wrong. t /pedantic nitpicker
It's not an issue, of course, I just thought I'd point it out. Thank you, anyway - this place is so great to post in.
Nilly - If you use the > and type some text, hitting t enter will always start a new paragraph. I think what you want to do is something like this:
Here is the first person's quote.t br Here is the second person's quote.
Which will appear like:
Here is the first person's quote.
Here is the second person's quote.
In other words, never hit t enter until you want a new paragraph (i.e. the spacing of a blank line).
If you use the > and type some text, hitting <enter> will always start a new paragraph
Ah, that's what I've been missing. Thank, Jon!
Please, let's not make tab emulate hitting the submit button. Enter shouldn't even emulate it on forms with more than one field.
I have no strong opinion either way, but why do you say that? If the onBlur only works off of the password field and it checks that all fields are filled in (if they're not, it does nothing), there shouldn't be any accidents.
t edit No worries, Nilly.
Jon, it's the purist in me. HTML wasn't supposed to work that way, and it only saves one keystroke.
When the revolution comes, I don't want to be shot.