Peter is an interesting character to me. I found him pretty boring initially. I found him a bit too dark, but hot, in the future scenes. I like him now - sort of battle-hardened but not brittle.
And there was never a "Gulp. Ew. He's my UNCLE moment," after the reveal. There was just more swoon.
This was how I read it too - more swooning. It's got to be weird, though, having hot uncle who saved your life and who you know is genetically related to you, but who you met for the first time when he saved. your. life. If I were Claire, I'd be confused.
This sort of reminds me of Luke/Leia.
I know this probably isn't the place for this, but I don't have it in me to email you. Am I somehow offending you with my posts, Jon?
Not at all. I think, perhaps, that we haven't been getting the gists of each other's posts. Sorry if my responses have come across as harsh -- that wasn't my intention.
Okay, thank you. As long as I didn't give your puppy cancer or anything.
. And if Sylar won the fight in Five Years Gone, Future!Sylar would have Peter's power.
but only if Peter's brain remained intact. Sylar didnt' get Eden's power because she blew her head off.
What if the way that Molly Walker can be used against Sylar is that he kills her, eats her brain and gets the virus? So, Mohinder saving Molly means that Sylar doesn't die.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't eat the brains. He just looks at them to see how they work.
Molly said he eats the brains. It's quite possible she
him eat her parents' brains. Or she's a kid and imagined it. Boogeyman. But: braaaaaaaaaaaains.
It's quite possible she saw him eat her parents' brains.
or she saw him take the brain out of the head and assumed he ate it.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't eat the brains. He just looks at them to see how they work.
Maybe he looked at the brain of a zombie, saw how it worked, and now he eats brains.
but only if Peter's brain remained intact. Sylar didnt' get Eden's power because she blew her head off.
I'm not sure Peter would think of that, but my point was more about whether either of them would gain all the powers or just the base power.