WRT Sylar's mommy issues, while we were watching, I turned to Daniel and said, "If I had a kid who could fix clockworks, I would think that was extremely cool, and be always telling him how special that is."
Sigh. The world would be a different place if I were GabrielSylar's mother.
But hey, being dead of a scissors-blow to the heart is a good reason to not go to work.
"Wow, Claire and Peter have The Sexy Chemistry. Ack! What is wrong with me??"
Seriously, I just am not feeling Teh Sex between them. Hella familial chemistry, yeah, but no UST. Then again, I didn't start watching until about the time we learned they were related. In fact I started watching specifically when Eccleston showed up, for the purpose of watching him. Therefore, I shall sit in the corner with the other-not-really-paying-attention-to-all-plot-points folks. Or maybe I have to find my own corner.
To be more clear, if I didn't know they were supposed to be related, I would be calling it UST. Since they are related, I'm going with "Aw. Sweet."
Hey, yeah, where's Eccleston?
I know, I know, invisible.
eta: Do you think he gets paid for the past episodes where they alluded he was there but never showed him?
I would be very happy to have Claude appear, whilst grabbing Peter's arm, and saying. "Fly!"
"Up! Now! Go!"
I hope Claude shows up in the finale too.
Family photo. [link]
Marathoning seems to help with remembering details and putting the pieces together. I've just caught up on the recent episodes (and all the comics) and I was guessing things a couple of beats ahead of each big reveal during Five Years Gone.
Reading the last 300-400 posts has also been quite entertaining. (Oh yeah, was Future!Peter getting his Neo on!) Time travel confusion turns into a super geeky Who's On First after a while.
It's good to finally have a show again that makes me yell "noooo" at the screen when "to be continued" pops up.
Getting a bit more on topic...
Peter and Sylar have met. Presumably, Peter now has Sylar's power. And if Sylar won the fight in Five Years Gone, Future!Sylar would have Peter's power. I'm betting that means gaining not the collected powers of the other, but just the basic one. So Peter should be able to "see how that works" (if he happens to see the brain of another Hero) and Future!Sylar would be able to absorb powers without killing. Not much of a net gain for either one, but it does mean they are more or less equals.