But if they kill present!Sylar, doesn't future!Sylar cease to exist?
I would think so.
His future self would have to come back before they kill his present self and stop them, no?
Maybe it's a shorter fight than we think.
You know, for that matter...Future Peter could come back and do stuff.
If they stop the bomb, however, the future we just saw
conceivably, remain as an alternate timeline, in which case Future Sylar would survive. He could then jump back before the timelines diverged and hide out until sweeps next year.
You know, for that matter...Future Peter could come back and do stuff.
Would pay folding money for this.
The good folks at LiveJournal have informed me that Molly Walker...is the little girl Parkman saved way back in the second episode.
I love this show.
I wonder if the Haitian’s power is conscious, so Peter could sneak up on him and absorb his power. Or whether it’s constant, so the Haitian suppresses it around some people.
In the interrogation, Parkman was able to read Hiro's mind, while the Haitian was standing there, presumably preventing Hiro from teleporting away. I think the power to block other powers is something the Haitian can control.
Before last night, I had been assuming that Future!Peter had the scar because he never saved Claire and thus never got her power. But we know now that Future!Peter
save her; it just wasn't enough to stop the blast. So, wherefore the scar?
Maybe he chose not to heal the scar because he liked the look.
Someone at TWoP has a good point about the Peter/Sylar face-off. Since they both have Claire's regenerating powers now, that could be one long assed fight.
I was confused about how Sylar had Claire's regenerating powers, since Claire wasn't dead in the future, just brunette and waitressing. That might feel like death to a blonde cheerleader, but still...
Whatever. Future!Peter is so hot, no wonder he could nuke New York. I find it very upsetting when they beat up Present!Hiro, though. I almost couldn't watch. They shouldn't ought not never be doing that. Ever again.
It is HOTTT.
Reason enough for me!
Perhaps constant is the default, but he can flip it off to let one hero or another use their power.