I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels icky about Gretchen. hrm.
I can't get my mind around WHAT THAT COP WAS DOING OMG. Is it standard procedure to arrest, bully, and handcuff someone who's wandering and obviously out of it? Seriously?
Really liking Emma and would not mind if she and Peter got busy. (what would *those* sounds look like, one wonders [evilly]??)
I didn't see that twist with the sorority girl coming, which was nice.
To go back and answer dcp's question, the Signing was good, not a direct word-for-word of the English, but the same basic idea, just more natural to ASL. I wish they'd not cut to reaction shots while someone else is signing, to get the whole of the "line reading".
I'm actually kind of looking forward to tonight.
Sylar's hair is wonderfully dorky.
Peter and Noah found Ned the piemaker!
Awww, my Bennet-love grew! I didn't think that was possible.
I am very, very afraid that Ray Park is gonna get the top of his head sawed off. Sigh.
I didn't FF through any of this. Sylar kept me through the carnival, lots of Petey, Hiro being cute, Bennet doing good, and Emma coming to terms.
I do miss Dr. Suresh, though. He could have sex with Pete. Lots of shirtlessness. And I miss Nathan/Adrian. I can't believe they're remembering her magic blood after they didn't save her dad with it.
Ray Park is cute angry. It's a shame his power is so fast, because we don't get Darth Maul magic at those speeds.
I'm still wondering why T-Bag thinks that the original Sylar was something he wanted in his carnival of powered people. It would have been like a smorgasbord to him.
I'm kind of looking forward to that. . . is that wrong?
I like ZQ when he's not all moustache twirly. Boyfriend!Sylar is cute.
The magic show was all kinds of cute and lovely. First time I haven't rolled my eyes at Hiro in years.
I thought Edgar was against killing? He was all dragging his feet when told to kill Danko, a bad mean man, and here he slices up a family man cop with gusto.