This was a very good episode! Finally.
Loved the pacing and the turn-arounds. I missed some of the Sylar with his dad stuff. After the arrows and the whistling what happened before he got away.
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the show and ancillary materials such as web comics! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. Chuffa, Chuffa!
This was a very good episode! Finally.
Loved the pacing and the turn-arounds. I missed some of the Sylar with his dad stuff. After the arrows and the whistling what happened before he got away.
Mama Petrelli always brings her A game.
Someone really needs to install a revolving door at the Bennett house so they won't have to repair the locks every time demented killers or black ops teams break in.
Also, they neglected to give Zeljko Ivanek a stovepipe hat and have him grow a Snideley Whiplash moustache to twirl.
Also, they neglected to give Zeljko Ivanek a stovepipe hat and have him grow a Snideley Whiplash moustache to twirl.
No kidding. He's a much better actor than the material he has been given. I keep hoping there is a back story where he has been hurt by someone with an ability in his past.
Nathan can't be both the person rounding up the heroes and rebel, right? So it was just a coincidence that he was outside Claire's window just as she got the message from rebel.
The girls don't read comics joke has been beaten to death now, I hope the writers are done with it.
Mama Petrelli was fantastic as always, and she wasn't lying by saying that Nathan was an anomaly of nature; he was born without powers.
I love Sylar-daddy. I hope he is in more episodes so he can continue to fuck with Sylar's head.
Among other things, don't fuck with Mama Petrelli.
Mama Petrelli always brings her A game.
God, I love her.
I squee'ed aloud when I saw John Glover in the credits. I want him to be cured so he could go back to kicking ass.
The girls don't read comics joke has been beaten to death now
Not enough girls read comics, judging by the last reception I got when I bought comics. And I'm old.
I think that Nathan, realizing the jig was up, flew to California to save his daughter before the SWAT team showed up.
For a second (I blame massive facial fuzz) I took John Glover for Tom Skerritt and thought "Nora is going to hit the FLOOR when she sees this one." And then I sat there picturing a mash-up of Heroes and Brothers & Sisters and laughed and laughed and laughed.
I guess I didn't realize until last night that Doyle's ability only works on women. And I guess the agents DON'T know the power of the person their chasing or they wouldn't have sent one after him. This seems like a serious oversight on the part of our big bad conspiracy -- they've lost marks at least twice now because of it.
I loved watching the "hot girl in the comic shop" trope (is it a trope yet?) play out because he was having so much fun pulling status on her for knowing nothing about heroes.
I too assumed that Nathan flew immediately to Clare once he fell out that window. Just how fast does that bugger FLY? As fast as the plot dictates, I suppose.
Finally, if Rebel turns out to be anyone but Micah I'm going to be just plain confused since my brain has so fully assumed that is who he is.
I guess I didn't realize until last night that Doyle's ability only works on women.
Oh, I still did not realize that. But I was falling asleep and also missed whatever great scene Mama Petrelli had.
Casting John Glover was great, but...that's it, really? As Couch Baron said with sarcasm, "That was worth six episodes."
WTF is up with Baby Parkman?
I wonder if Matt, Jr has Daddy's power? Or possibly, Grandpa's power? Because the babysitter seemed really freaked out.
Oh, wait, you think that's Matt's kid from his wife that cheated on him or whatever? I forgot about that.