Let Sylar have an all out psychotic break, and then retire him, at least for a while. Villains are no good to have around for extended periods. They lose their impact.
Not to mention that Sylar will lose all of his appeal if he keeps indiscriminately killing people. Audience generally don't like sociopathic serial killers. There are some exceptions (Dexter and Hannibal Lechter come to mind, but even they don't kill at random), but it can get old quickly.
Interview with Bryan Fuller re: Heroes and it's new direction.
(So somewhat spoilery.)
Also, for some reason that page kept going to a page of video interviews - so annoying.
I seriously can't be the only one tired of Sylar, right?
I will say, as much as I want to drive a stake through Sylar's heart or WTFever would finally get him off this show, this episode is really actually quite interesting.
Why did they save up all the interesting for the last show of '08?
I had a brief hope that Mohinder was gone, but I knew better.
Obama would not do that !!
My one big problem with this episode -- and apparently Vol. IV:
OK, Nathan was always somewhat self-centered, but when did he become such a massive douchebag? He wasn't A-No. 1 prophet in his father's belief system for very long. What's with the massive tooliness now?
I think that he was that big of a douchebag in the very beginning. We thought he had seen the error of his ways. Now we know that he is not only a douchebag, but a hypocrite.