I think I could watch this show 4EVAH if they keep doing stuff like that with Hero. love love love.
Grr, the tivo cut off just as Mohinder asked the Marine how he felt.
Same here. Fuckers.
And the Haitian (whose powers have no effect on Sylar for what reason again?). Meh, I says.
Well, at some point he was losing his grip on Papa Petrelli. I can totally buy that Sylar is too much from the get go.
I'm not going to miss Pops. I've never seen him in anything else, he's a good actor, right? I kept feeling like he was lousy and wooden but I sense there may be some history that indicates his abilities were written or directed or bad-choiced away.
He was very good in
Karen Sisco.
And was also really very good in Jackie Brown. I've thought this was a massive miscasting since he first appeared.
Grr, the tivo cut off just as Mohinder asked the Marine how he felt.
It pretty much ended there.
Kyle from
The 4400
said he felt good.
(He knew that he would.)
His power is being James Brown?
Kyle-from-the-4400 ripped his metal chair out of its bolts and threw it through the bulletproof glass. I'd say he feels pretty good, actually. Maybe too good....
Yeah, too good is what I thought too.
Concern: does the catalyst thing disappear into the ether? Or does it disappear into Peter?
And what happens to all the powers that Papa P had stolen? Do they all go flying back through the ether and a whole bunch of heroes get re-empowered?
(And how mad will Maya be?)
At least there will be only the 49 doses left of The Formula, instead of a limitless supply of new heroes. A downside: new heroes are likely to be whitebread Marines who might as well be clad in redshirt uniforms....
PS -- I hope Ando gets superpowers, at least for a while. He deserves some fun, too, after all the faithful sidekicking he's done.