Ack, mine too. Go here and skip to the last 2 minutes: [link]
If you'd rather just know:
Elle says (in reference to their lost powers), "we can't just take what we want anymore." and Sylar responds, "who says." and takes her face in his hands and passionate kissing ensues. Then pan out, and HRG is on the rooftop across with a sniper rifle with Sylar, still kissing Elle, firmly in the crosshairs. To Be Continued...
I love Sylar. Heroes good. That is all.
Five Thanksgiving Specials We'll Sadly Never See:
The episode starts with a flashback to the eclipse that gave everyone their powers, while Mohinder gives us a boring monologue about how everything changed that day... and not only for humans. We see a turkey in a slaughterhouse suddenly gain increased intelligence, the power to speak and superspeed. After giving a short speech about why he doesn't want to die, the turkey escapes, and is pursued by HRG... but why is he working solo? We find out in a climactic final scene where the turkey's life is saved by Sylar, Peter and Nathan, who reveal the shocking truth: The turkey is another lost Petrelli! Cut to Angela looking at a bowl of stuffing and saying "My sweet little boy... Soon we will be together again."
The accompanying picture is pretty awesome, too.
How long is this fucking eclipse?
you know, is this day 6 of the eclipse?
Aw, that's nothing, remember the first one was visible in Japan and New York (and Texas and California and....), all at the same time.
OK, as annoying as Hiro has been lately, that worked for me.
"Bad man."
Loves me some comic book nerds.
Loves me some Seth Green.
Most inadvertently hilarious exchange of the night:
Claire's distaff uncle: "Did you really think I was that stupid?"
Mohinder: "Yes, I actually did."
How stupid do you have to be to make Mohinder feel smarter than you? Granted, it was nice to see him pull some nice moves there. Not quite tuning-fork-torture nice, but nice all the same.