Speaking of Ubuntu, did he write the latest Nine Wonders comics, or was Isaac that far ahead of schedule? Or did Peter write it? Or Sylar?
Ubunti: Shaman, goat herder, comic book artist. Is there anything he can't do?
Actually, I've decided that the "new" issues of "9th Wonders" we've seen are actually back issues. No reason Isaac had to see the future in order.
Hunh. I've just been offered a live interview with Jason Kyson Lee (Ando) for my Friday morning radio show. Should I do it? Unless he's into the indie-rock, it's way outside the usual format. If I did it, what should I ask? Bonus points if it's punkity rockity.
well he sings... according to his resume ...but I'm not finding anything punk rock related.
However, I do think they've earned the bit about Claire being the key to the formula, what with the extra effort they've seemingly put into watching her since Kaito first handed her over to Noah. I mean, seriously. It's evident they had no shortage of superpowered folks on hand, so an extra reason for the effort makes sense.
well, remember how it started "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World". Saving Claire first season didn't really seem to have world effect, so maybe it hasn't happened yet.
well, remember how it started "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World". Saving Claire first season didn't really seem to have world effect, so maybe it hasn't happened yet.
Which would imply that her catalystness is somehow a
thing. If it isn't, snuffing the cheerleader would have been much better for the world.
It all changes today! No, really. Tomorrow it will all be sense making.
can someone explain to me in a believable fashion, why an eclipse would set off super abilities?
what are the physical properties of an eclipse that could do this?
Damn it, I thought Mohinder was history.
Hee, poor Matt.
The concentrated rays of the Sun's corona during the eclipse turns on and off powers. No, I got nothing.
Woah. Petrilli catfight, followed up by the return of the Haitian. I just may have something to get interested in again.
Noah is badass. Plus, I've been waiting for someone to beat the crap out of Sylar for a while.
Claire is so obviously a Petrelli after that move. No blood test required. I mean, she saw the others didn't have their powers.