It helps to remember that Present!Peter is kind of a moron.
Well, there is that. Also, I'm not entirely sure he can use more than one power at once, except for perhaps autonomous abilities, like regeneration. And I don't think he's particularly quick at switching between them.
Also, the "heroes" directors still can't choreograph a multi-person fight scene with powers yet. They're getting better, but it's still a big weakness.
I think what bothers me is that every scene is starting to feel climactic, one big emotional moment after another without some of the everyday interaction that used to provide a contrast for those OMG! moments. And yeah, I get that Peter is a moron, but Sylar? I don't care how domesticated he's become--if a bunch of people hold his son hostage, I don't buy that he wouldn't use even ONE of his powers to act. I mean, he could have used the mind mojo to kick the guns out of their hands and throw them up agInst the walls to start. We've seen him do it before and with less provocation. Bah. And Mohinder and Peter seem to be getting exponentially stupider every day that passes. I guess I just miss moments with these characters that remind us they are, in the end, just people.
But, as I said, I may just be feeling cranky.
I do still love Hiro and Ando together.
The *only* reason I would buy that Sylar wouldn't act is because he as afraid he'd go back to stealing out people's powers again.
BTW, can someone explain to me why Peter needed Sylar's power? I don't understand why he needed that power.
I believe that the "logic" goes something like: I need to fix the timeline. I keep screwing it up. I need to see how it all fits together, to see where to fix. Who has the ability to understand how things work? Sylar!
Peter is just so fucking stupid. I just can't stand it.
I'm just wondering how long it's going to be before someone punches a hole in the universe finally figures out the timeline issues and everything we've been seeing becomes an alternate universe.
eta I guess it wouldn't be an AU, it would be a timeline that no longer exists. Ouch, time-travel headache.
I hope Peter runs into the woman who he inadvertantly stranded in the not-so-nice future.
I hope Hiro finds her, so there's at least a slim chance she won't immediately become a casualty of her rescuer's abject stupidity.
Peter is just so fucking stupid. I just can't stand it.
You could replace "Peter" with any of the characters on the show, and this would be me. I don't know why I keep watching it, but it has a sort of trainwreck fascination for me.
So...the first season was pretty much a fluke, huh?
I mean, I'm still watching, but I was trying to think of characters I'm actually invested in, and I came up empty. Even season 2 had the My Two Dads storyline, which amused me.
Maybe it will be better when David Anders is back.