What if he just made a mess of clones, all manifesting different abilities and they are all just running around out there?
It just reminds me too much of the overabundunce of Potentials on Buffy. We've got enough story lines going as it is. I don't want eleventy one clones running around to confuse the issue.
Was there a Zimmerman in The Boys from Brazil?
Yeah but most of the potentials were annoying and played by awful actresses. Even though I've pretty much hated the Nikki character and her pointless storylines, I think Ali has rocked hard in her ability to differentiate Nikk/Jessica/Tracy. She's been the only good point in this whole thing, so I bet she could do something interesting with it. I don't see it being like the potentials at all. Aside from looking alike, it seems like they'd all have different powers, different personalities. I don't know, sounds like it could be fun!
Micah needs a haircut. It's looking like a jheri curl now, even though I know it's not. Also, where the hell are Monica and Grandma Uhura (and annoying cousin for that matter)? Why is a 10 year old home alone a few days after his mom died? And why is Nikki's body still in the house? Weird.
Dammit, not enough Francis Capra, especially with Milo playing him 80% of the time. And not one scene with Kristen. Feh, i say.
However, that was a fun episode; much better than last week's double header of confuzzle.
there was one scene with Kristen, but Elle was pretty out of it.
poor Micah. he made me tear up a bit when he hugged Tracy before she left.
Sylar? not cool! there should be no killing of Weevil!
i'm also a little confused by Sylar. out of all the potential powers he could have taken, the sonic boom voice seems to be the least appealing. feeding off of fear is way cooler.
Weevil was the one easy to trap.
but...he's Sylar. he had them both under control even when he was distracted by blue fireball guy. eh...*handwave*. i'm just sad there'll be no more Francis Capra.
i'm also a little confused by Sylar. out of all the potential powers he could have taken, the sonic boom voice seems to be the least appealing. feeding off of fear is way cooler.
the fireballs are pretty awesome, I would have gone for that.
I think the show is reaching soap opera levels of dumb.