i'm really damn confused about where we've been and what's happened. it's been too long since i even thought about this show. if i cared enough, i'd watch the finale and refresh my memory.
didn't Jessica die a fiery death while Micah watched? do all of Niki/Jessica/whoever have different powers? I'M SO CONFUSED!!!
also? Weevil and Veronica together again! wheeeeeeeeeee!!!
Overall, I think there's potential for this season, but it depends on how much attention is paid to the annoying (Mohinder/Maya, Niki/Jessica/Tracy) and how much is paid to the good (Hiro, Ando and the Speedster [who looks and sounds a little too much like Kirsten Bell to be in a show already featuring Kirsten Bell and not be a little weird, though I'm enjoying the character so far.] HRG and Claire.) The Peterelli storyline could go either way at the moment (though I totally called the Linderman only being in Nathan's head to the GF), and I'm intrigued by Matt and his new friend in Africa.
ION, Peter and Mohinder continue to be morons (Okay, Peter, I realize you're stuck in Weevil's body, but can't you do something other than stare stupidly while your new "friends" kill two people in front of their children and steal their SUV? Mohinder... No, there's no hope for you. I hope Maya cries you to death and then offs hereself out of guilt.)
IOON, OMG, Mama Petrelli just ratcheted the scary up to 11.
I thought it was all kinda dumb, but I'm happy to see that they're continuing their proud tradition of hiring great actors from better series. Jamie "Marlo" Hector stuck out for me, as did Andre Royo's name in the opening credits (although I didn't see him in the episode).
So amusing that Sylar is another Petrelli.
I liked the Speedster - she's Landry's GF pre-Tyra, no?
(Why can't SPN hire fun actresses like that one?)
So, when Sylar was playing with Claire's brain he took away the pain receptors? So, now she heals and doesn't feel pain. So odd.
And now he's her Uncle Sylar. Nice.
I wonder if Nathan seeing Lindermann is a new power for Nathan or some sort of additional power that Lindermann has or is Nathan just nutty?
I think this show has stopped trying to make sense, and it's kind of awesome in a way.
I was entertained, at least when I don't think about the stupid too much.
Although, Sylar as the Lost-Petrelli-We-Never-Talk-About makes all kind of awesome sense.
How glad am I that I don't have a ghostly Malcolm McD hanging around in my head?
Weevil and Veronica together again!
I noticed Francis Capra's name in the credits and STILL didn't recognize him. That's is kinda awesome.
Also, laughed mightily at Sylar's "That's really gross, Claire." when she asked if he was going to eat her brain.
that was possibly my favorite part, Frank. i loved Sylar's reaction.
Well, I guess we know for sure now that he doesn't eat brains.
Actually, I really do like the idea of Future-Peter as a kinda-bad guy, at least as a true antagonist who will do damn near anything to prevent what he thinks is a really really bad thing.
Sure hope Future!Bad Ando is actually the good guy who was fighting with his possessed best friend or shapeshifter or something.