When can badass Peter go pay a visit to Maya and morph her to the annoying people timeline?
Poor Matt. I see his luck has not improved at all since last season.
Mo: Still pretty. Still stupid.
So excited that the Hando is back . . . and kicking major amounts of ass!
Mohinder's been such a supers-wannabe all this time, there is no way that is not ending really, really badly.
So Mama P sees the future? Huh. How much do I love her snarking on Peter? So, so much.
ETA: Oh my stars. What the hell is Maya wearing? From nun to stripper wear in a few short months? And now what, Mo is Spiderman? And a mack daddy? Ok.
Okay, so Mama Petrelli says "what if it happens to someone you care about" and I can't help but think of the poor, poor, apparently-written-off-the-show Irish chick.
Wow, apparently Mohinder also got the superpower of douchebaggery!
Poor Parkman... left to die in the desert and Molly's other dad is too busy making time with Weepy McMeltdown to look after their foster daughter.
so Mohinder = Doc Oc? The Goblin?
Future Peter? Also a douchebag for doing that to Matt and Now Peter.
So far the eps have caused two types of reactions: "You idiot!" and "WTF?"(and not in the good way)
I love future Don't Give a Shit!Peter. He's always been a douchebag but at least this Peter owns it. Also, the Petrelli-cest in all it's permutations is still ridiculously off the charts. Tobby? Now he's a douche! Sure, Elle's a little wacky and somewhat evil, but even she doesn't deserve that.
I'm apprehensive about where they're going with the born again Nathan storyline. This show isn't known for it's subtle and nuanced storytelling.
And now what, Mo is Spiderman? And a mack daddy? Ok.
so Mohinder = Doc Oc? The Goblin?
Actually, he's Jeff Goldblum in The Fly (about 10 different steals from that movie in that one scene with Maya) minus the skin condition.