You can always tell when she's supposed to be Nikki and when she's Jessica (and when she's Jessica pretending to be Nikki). She even did a good job of making the new personality that came out in the DL flashback story seem completely distinct from both Nikki and Jessica.
Exactly, kat. It was very subtle but well done.
Tom Scola! It is a shame that I am in Brooklyn every day for work and yet somehow never see you at all.
Heroes Myspace where they're counting down to the premiere by releasing promo pictures one day at a time.
I'm rewatching "Four Months Ago" from season 2, and the moment Peter remembers Nathan, there's a close-up of his eye where rapid-fire images of Nathan are shown, and one of them is Nathan being shot and blood spraying across his shirt.
I can't remember, but did this ever happen in the past if you follow it in a straight line? I vaguely remember something from an alternate/potential future where Sylar is President, but not really. Were there any other instances of him being shot besides in the season 2 finale?
I'm so full up with Dexter, Mad Men, Big Love, Entourage, Life, The Closer, Saving Grace, and Bones, I barely remember what happened in Heroes. I hope they do a good long recap show, the way Lost did last year.
They are - on the 22nd they're recapping and then on the 29th they're starting out new. (Or so I understand.)
Nathan Petrelli promo - wallpaper.
One of my co-workers hates Peter Petrelli and hopes that this year they get rid of him.