Ok, as soon as this has aired everywhere it can, "We have trust issues." is so becoming my new tag. Hee! Although poor form on bringing Maya back.
Peter, you are really trying to take Mo's crown, aren't you?
HRG continues to rock hard. I think if he and Mama P ever had some significant storyline time together, the sheer awesomeness would be off the charts.
I enjoy how once again the Petrellicest is going to save the world. Those two crazy kids.
On Alias, he's also slinky, evil, and kind of a slut. Woohoo!
Count me in!!
HRG and Mama P on screen together would be made of awesome.
Gee, too bad they killed off the guy who was a fireman.
what the hell, Mohinder? your stupid keeps coming back. we wanted Maya deaddeaddead!!
Poor, Micah. That kid is going to need some serious therapy.
And despite a strong challenge from Peter, Mo manages to retain his crown as the stupidest man on Earth. Pick UP the bag with the all powerful healing serum while the scary, evil, serial killer is distracted, Mo. Pick it up.
Oh well, now that the annoying twin is alive again, she can get Sylar alone in a dark alley and kill him with the black eye goo. Make yourself useful, Annoying Twin, and try to redeem your entire existence on this show.
Well, damn. My TiVo was set up to record only 10 episodes and I didn't realize it. Good thing I have you guys to fill me in on what's happening. The dumb and dumber act, the three musketteers, the Hannibal and Clarice show (he never did kill her, just ate her brain) and I'm caught up, nothing changed from last week. Oh, and Nikki go boom.
Yeah, and we all hoped you were, too, Maya.