This bit from the EW recap also made me laugh a lot:
(''Did you pack Mr. Muggles' doggy bath?'' I can only imagine how many times it took Jack Coleman to deliver that line with the appropriate intensity — without breaking out in hysterics. Hell, it took me three times to type it without laughing.)
I know I would LOVE to see outtakes.
Yes - outtakes of that would just rock.
Almost as good as the "his penis got diseases from the Shumash tribe"
See, this is why writers rock.
And even if Coleman could say it with a straight face, how hard was it for Kristen Bell to pretend to be unconscious.
Knowing Mohinder, he was probably aiming for his arm. Sadly, since he'd seen the fucking paintings, he should have fucking known better.
Did Mohinder see the paintings? I thought Jack just described a couple of them for him.
You know, it just occurred to me that this would the worst possible time for Sylar to have tracked down Mohinder. Sylar's powerless (other than the power of being a psycho), Mohinder's probably close to being as unhinged as Sylar, and he may still be armed.
Sadly, I'm only left with the conclusion that the wonder twins will be with him, otherwise I think he'd be dead meat. Although it would be frelling hysterical if Sylar went through all this to get to Mohinder, had done in the twins and ended up just getting shot for his efforts.
He saw the painting of HRG shot in the head - that was the one that he took a digital picture of and emailed to Noah.
Did Mohinder see the paintings? I thought Jack just described a couple of them for him.
I thought Noah had forwarded pictures of them via email, but now that you mention it, he might not have.
eta Whew, my memory may not be going.
Mohinder's the one who found the paintings. He took pictures of them and sent them to HRG.
Although it would be frelling hysterical if Sylar went through all this to get to Mohinder, had done in the twins and ended up just getting shot for his efforts.
That would be awesome.
Sylar, in a sultry voice: "Hello, Dr. Suresh. I'm so glad to see you again."
Mohinder: "Oh, fuck this." *bang*
Mohinder: "Oh, fuck this." *bang*
With Indy's expression from RAIDERS when he shot the swordsman.