I thought last episode he was uncertain which side was right, and yet now he's so sure that he's sided with the good guys that he's willing to SHOOT NOAH IN THE FACE??
Knowing Mohinder, he was probably aiming for his arm. Sadly, since he'd seen the fucking paintings, he should have fucking known better.
It didn't even occur to me that Claire's blood could heal someone that doesn't have a superpower, but TCG totally called it.
It didn't even occur to me that Claire's blood could heal someone that doesn't have a superpower, but TCG totally called it.
Actually, I'm curious if it's useless against the virus, since Mo's blood didn't work either on Nikki.
I'm not convinced Matt's bad was all that bad. Mama is a big liar. Like HELL "everything we did was for you" For all we know Victoria is locked up in a lab too.
What Matt
with that information is what will tell. The fact that he made one of the most manipulative and possibly evil people on this show reveal something she didn't want to isn't exactly a damnable offense. Even if she says it is.
I'm scared for Matt because he seemed to be really groovin' on using his new power (even on his adopted daughter). I'm not overly worried about Mama P. She's a big girl. She can take it. And I believe that she will get her own back against Matt some day soon. And it will be good.
Loved the call back when HRG woke up on that table. "Holy shit!" indeed. Hee. But really, I'm surprised that Claire's blood can bring people back from the dead. That's quite a bit beyond healing.
I will state right now that even though Mo is officially Dead to Me, I'm psyched about his reunion with Sylar next week. Bonus points if tuning forks and/or pinning to the ceiling are involved somehow. Double bonus points if Sylar killed the twins on the cross country trip.
I can kinda buy Claire's blood bringing people back from the dead.
But regenerating his eye? That's the part that surprised me.
Double bonus points if Sylar killed the twins on the cross country trip.
haha. word. triple points if they don't even show us.
If the writers strike leaves those twins Chuck Cunninghammed I'm ok with that.