I recommend all of Ruff's books! The man gave us the floating, holographic head of Ayn Rand! Awesome to the nth degree!
But yeah, I think I would have been terribly disappointed if Nikii had just been cured, because every MPD case I've heard tell of has been sort of a twisty road to reintegration, and there's often several personalities that never manifest until things are beginning to order themselves -- places (and it's somewhat instructive to think of the personality as a "place" more than a "person") where various feelings and emotions have been placed to keep them from being destructive, or to keep them safe while the main person was in pain.
Of course, it might not be MPD at all.
Of course, it might not be MPD at all.
This is true, but I'm increasingly inclined to doubt that it's anything but, and the emergence of a new persona seems to clinch it.
(I look past the fact that Peter's clothes survived.)
I was thinking, if they were going to have Peter naked in the episode anyway, wouldn't that have been the most logical place for it? I mean, I'm sure they could've gotten Nathan to cover the naughty bits after the big bang.
Perhaps I should rephrase that.
Well, that bit where the fire burns his shirt off was excellent.
I'm sure they could've gotten Nathan to cover the naughty bits after the big bang. Perhaps I should rephrase that.
No, I think you've got the show about right there.
This is true, but I'm increasingly inclined to doubt that it's anything but, and the emergence of a new persona seems to clinch it.
Well, she WAS working with the evil lab when that happened.
If we ever get the writers back it may turn out the Company made her like this in the first place. Goodness knows she's been useful to them.
Well, there was that whole thing I never really understood last season where D.L. appeared to discover that Linderman had orchestrated the hook-up of D.L. and Niki in order to create Micah. Or something.