Maybe, maybe not. I think it's fair to presume that Peter's powers aren't "on" all the time.
I'd tend to think regeneration would be the exception to that since it's an automatic unconscious process. But I can see Peter's power being some kind of highly versatile mimicking field he projects rather than a case of him assuming the genetic characteristics of all the people whose powers he's duplicated. If that's the case, at a certain remove his extracted blood would just be plain old blood.
Of course, now I'm wondering if any blood or other living cells removed from Adam or Claire remain alive indefinitely. Outside of their own souped-up metabolisms I can easily see such becoming a contagious carcinogenic agent.
This week's easter egg - it's like a still from one of AP's videos.
I assume Maya's parents were casualties of an unfortunate viewing of Old Yeller, but no one made the connection?
Didn't she tell Alejandro at the church that the wedding was the first time the black eye goo thing had happened? I would think if it had happened before, Alejandro would've known.
Definitely wondering if Claire and Peter's blood can do the same thing that Adam/Takezo's can. And trying not to think about bits and pieces of Claire and Adam able to live on removed from their bodies because that means that somewhere in Claire's living room is a zombified pinkie toe growing a long ass nail and just YUCK all over to that.
You know, now I wonder whether the people who make the comics get paid anything at all. It's promotional, right?
You know, now I wonder whether the people who make the comics get paid anything at all. It's promotional, right?
I'd assume they get paid for their work, but that they get no additional residuals based on pageviews.
...somewhere in Claire's living room is a zombified pinkie toe growing a long ass nail and just YUCK all over to that.
Maybe it will regenerate a whole new Claire off the end of it. One that's allowed to date and cheerlead.
I'd assume they get paid for their work
I would have assumed that too until I found out that not a single person involved was paid for making the
or BSG webisodes.
I found out that not a single person involved was paid for making the Office or BSG webisodes.
Well, that sucks! Still, the Office & BSG people are already on salary for the TV shows. The people drawing the comics are additional staff, right? If all they are doing is the online comics, then surely they are getting paid for it?
According to the Ron Moore interview linked a few days ago, they were paid to produce the webisodes (after refusing to produce them for free). They just weren't credited or paid residuals on them.
According to the Ron Moore interview linked a few days ago, they were paid to produce the webisodes (after refusing to produce them for free). They just weren't credited or paid residuals on them.
I thought it said they were supposed to get something for producing them, then got nothing and it was like, "Suck on it creative people!"
I could be misremembering though.