Unless it's a self-sustaining divergent timeline, yes.
You seem awfully confident of your grasp of temporal mechanics there, P-C!
I think Peter will manage to visit that future timeline again and pull her out, making the question moot. But if he doesn't, the writers could do anything from making her blink out, to having her magically pop back into the present.
It all a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff.
I think it would be kinda neat if she was never mentioned again. Like Richie Cunningham's older brother.
I must confess, I myself would not complain if she went to Mandyville.
? I assume it's some sort of character limbo, but I'm not getting the reference.
West Wing. The character Mandy disappeared in the, what, half-hour? of show-verse time between seasons, and was never mentioned again.
I wonder if that's why Mandy the Super Spy from 24 was named Mandy.
Mandyville: next town over from Margaritaville.
I call it Mandyland. It's more fun to say.
I call it Mandyland. It's more fun to say.
And Barry Manilow could write the national anthem.
Oh Ma-an-dy
You went out to pick up some co-of-fee
Disappeared off the earth, oh Ma-an-dy...