is Sendhil Ramamurthy the prettiest man on the planet? The answer might very well be yes. I think I need to see him nekkid and hosed down before making a definitive judgement
Where's the "strip Senhil down and turn the hose on him" e-petition? Or do I need to start one?
Man, somebody mentioned "Petrellicest" on APs youtube page.
I just bought the book of the online comics! It's very pretty. Though, I feel like kind of an... I don't know what... paying for something that is online for free. But I had trouble with reading it on line and gave up. So.
Does it have all of Isaac's paintings?
You know, I can't tell for sure whether it's all of them, but I think so - plus extras. They're interspersed throughout the book (I don't know why, but I expected them to be all in one section), and I'm thinking there are a few that should be there that I don't see, but I I'm pretty sure I just missed them flipping through.
Oh, I knew I had a question. Was that comic book that Micah showed Monica, the one with St. Joan in it, supposed to be one that Isaac drew, I mean, is it a vision-y comic book, or was it supposed to be just a regular comic book? I really need to pay more attention.
Was that comic book that Micah showed Monica, the one with St. Joan in it, supposed to be one that Isaac drew, I mean, is it a vision-y comic book, or was it supposed to be just a regular comic book?
Well, it was an issue of "9th Wonders," although Hiro in the future was supposed to be the last one. So maybe it was an older one?
although Hiro in the future was supposed to be the last one.
That's what I thought as well, but when I saw that it was 9th Wonders, I, well, wondered. I mean, we've seen Micah reading these comics before Isaac died, so this one might be an old one. Or maybe Peter wrote it. I just didn't know whether we had any definitive word on it.