But then I figured we are already supposed to believe that those paper documents survived a nuclear explosion so what's a little transgenderedness compared to that?
I think we're supposed to believe that these documents come from a time after the explosion. Like, Peter made it back to earth (possibly Canada) before getting himself amnesia-fied and Irelanded.
Why would he make it back to earth w/o amnesia and not tell his lover/brother that he was still alive (or anyone else he knew previously)? Makes no sense to me.
but I suspect it's a prank from the props department or somesuch
This is what I would assume. Also, Woot! 10 minutes!
I love KB, but I hope we get enough of her soon to erase Veronica Mars, because the little bits shown didn't do it.
I've never been so glad that I haven't yet gotten around to watching Veronica Mars.
Now all I need is a tool that keeps me from clicking back into this thread until after I have seen tonight's episode.
I don't want no more stinkin' characters!
HRG certainly isn't shy with the vengeance now is he.
Sylar and HRG both have my deep respect as worthy villains.
HRG is kinda creeping me out.
(Also, there's no way that it's light out both where Claire is and where HRG is. Time zones, people!!)
Mexican Girl is nearly as big a dope as Mohinder.
And that's saying something.
Is New Orleans' chick's accent as terrible as I think it is?