Actually, I'm pretty sure it is, since he just got sent out on another find-the-mutant expedition.
Oh, OK, I missed that part. But, seriously, he seemed all sinister to me - I was thinking Sylar. But they're not that far along in his story yet, and he doesn't have his powers back, does he? Oh, well.
The whole investigation thing made it impossible for me to not see Veronica in Elle. But I don't care, because it was awesome.
Just please don't let her dad turn out to be played by Enrico. I can take a certain amount of topsy-turvy, but having Keith Mars (or, you know, Malthazar) as a bad guy would be too much to handle. Though I think 'rico could pull it off and I always love to see him turn up in things.
I wonder, since Matt was able to knock Nathan out of the nightmare state (or at least give him a shove in the right direction), if he'll try to do the same for Molly.
I bet he will, but that makes me a little bit nervous. I bet Matt still doesn't really know what he's doing. Nathan is a full grown man who it's probably much easier to snap out of a nightmare than a it would be for a little girl. Also, he has to be able to get to her, now that Mohinder has delivered her back into the hands of the company. They better hurry before Daddy Matt gets to Bob. I wonder how long they were having their nightmare fight? (Which, BTW, still the coolest thing in this episode. Poor Nathan. Poor Matt. Woobies, both!) Are they still on the same Mohinder timeline? Because if so, it lasted long enough for Mohinder to get all the way down to NO. Surely long enough for Daddy Matt to get from Philly to NYC.
I had a hard time knowing if the timelines in the different story threads were linked up or not this episode. It seemed like a couple of days had passed (at least two) in both the oirish story and the Mohinder/Micah/Monica (another 3M!) stories, but that much time couldn't have passed in the Ando/Hiro/Kensei story. That seemed like all the same day. And I really couldn't tell on the Matt/Nathan story.
Still love that the only picture Peter had was of him and Nathan. Hee! Although, how did he get all that stuff? From the OWI? Was it a plant, cause the last we saw of Peter, I don't think he'd have had his passport with him. (And if it is some kind of an OWI plant/set up, double hee on the Nathan photo!)
Given that Peter's been around Not!Veronica, I could see him having stuff. Not sure why he wouldn't go home, but he had to be doing something for those months.
I don't think he'd have had his passport with him.
It's possible he did. He was trying to leave New York before getting caught up in things, although the plane ticket to Montreal is eye-raising. Last I heard, he was headed to the desert. And calling for a ticket. Hmmm. ...
but he had to be doing something for those months.
I just figured that he'd been amnesia!boy all that time. What else could keep him from his brother/lover?
I think victor's point is interesting. I guess Peter could've had that stuff with him at Kirby plaza. But if he'd had it, why didn't it burn up? I know Peter's invincible, but I don't think his passport or his plane tickets are.
I don't think his passport or his plane tickets are.
No more than his shirt proved to be, no.
So wherever Peter was before he wound up in Cork - Kristen Bell was there.
I loved the Nathan/Matt nightmare illusion thing. That was excellent.
Mohinder can't help but be ridiculous.
I was rather meh on the episode.
As much as I love KB, her character annoyed me.
Agree with the theory Matt's dad had a picture of himself with the mark to try to appear innocent. Especially since he had the marked Bob picture and his powers certainly sync up with what happened to Mama Petrelli.
I'm actually enjoying the Hiro storyline, but then I love Hiro and enjoy Japanese adventure stories, which is what Hiro is guiding Kensei through. It did feel a little tacked on this episode, though.
Totally knew Matt and Nathan were fighting each other because of an episode of Justice League. Also figured Matt would be the one to snap them out of it after his dad's talk of it starting as mind-reading and becoming more.