When/how did Micah learn how to play piano? Was it when his parents barely had enough money to keep a roof over their heads? Hmm.
Ok, so not just TV. And superfast. Hmmmmmm.
Oh, Mohinder. Still so stupid. Pretty, but stupid.
ETA: Oh, no. Now the stupid has rubbed off on Matt and Nathan. Yeah, let the "Nightmare Man" go alone into the spare bedroom. That oughta do it.
Mohinder! Don't be stupid!
Hee, clearly, I'm on your wavelength tonight, kat.
So Parkman the elder can implant ... visions? False realities? The way Candace could?
Uh-ohes. Evil nightmare man. Hey, SG-1 watchers, is that Anubis? Or, wait, is it the greedy, cupcake-loving goa'uld? Or is it neither?
Looks that way, Amy. Although Candace's was an illusion that she seemed to need to be there for. I wonder how long Matt and Nathan will be stuck? Are they stuck like Molly is?
Also... Amy! Hi!
Hi! Hi, Jen! ::steals a grope::
Yeah, Candace's seemed a little more benign, too. More like wish fulfillment.
I'm beginning to see why Molly called him the Nightmare Man.
Ok, love Micah and the cousin. Please let Nikki never come back.
Dammit, Mohinder. So, so stupid.
Well, that wish is over. Too bad that wasn't a real gun.
ETA: Also, as much as I love Hiro, I am becoming supremely bored by his storyline. Forward momentum is your friend! Chuffa, chuffa.
Micah is adorable. It would have been so easy to make him a troubled, smart-ass kid, but instead he's just a shy little sweetie.