Wish I could read the comics, but they won't download properly for me. I don't know if it's my browser or my connection. Yes, I know there's going to be a print collection out soon, but that will probably cover the early comics, which I read at work.(before I was told not to use my computer for things other than work)
Sheryl, can you download PDf's? The wiki link I posted here yesterday has links to all of the comics in pdf format.
I ctrl-clicked them all and saved to my 'puter. (right-click for two-button mouse).
I don't know if I can download PDFs, as I've never tried to do so. Mind you, I'm using an iMac from 2001 or so, so I'm limited in what software I can use.
Adobe Acrobat Reader (which you need to read the pdfs) was available for the Mac long before 2001, so it shouldn't be a problem. It may even already be installed, and if not, you can just download it from adobe.com.
There are also browser plugins for Firefox that will display pdfs in the browser. Similar plugins may be available for other browsers.
Oh, I have a version of Acrobat Reader on my computer(though it isn't the most up-to-date) When I tried to read one of the comics, it wouldn't fully load. I don't know if that's because of Acrobat Reader, or the fact that we have capped DSL. Meh.
I tried to read one of the comics, it wouldn't fully load. I don't know if that's because of Acrobat Reader, or the fact that we have capped DSL.
Have you tried downloading the file to your hard drive first, and then trying to read it?
Right click on the link. "Save As" or "Save to disk" or something of that sort should be a choice depending on browser. (right-click is the choice with Wintel boxes. Don't know what key you would use for Mac of Linux).
I'm using a mac, so that won't work unfortunately.