Matt's not having a good day. Probably better than being shot, but this probably tops his wife's affair/pregnancy.
I know what they seem to be TRYING to do with West, but either a twist is coming, or it's not working. Please let it be the former. Pleasepleaseplease.
Does Molly have a power?
She can sense other people with powers and pinpoint where they are. The OWI was using her to bag and tag heroes.
Does Molly have a power?
Molly is the tracking system.
Molly can find any other "gifted" individual. she was one of the Company's tracking systems.
Thanks, all! That's sort of what I thought, but I wasn't sure.
Nathan looks hot again, with the no!beard and the slightly longer hair.
There's been no Peter yet, right? What's up with that?
Peter is in Ireland turning me on long distance
I wonder what's going on with the vision of Burned!Nathan.
Also, Sylar now know how their power works. This is not a good thing.
Sylar said, "Golly!" Hee!
Uh-oh. That is not good.
Probably get a 7 second Peter glimpse at the end.
Sylar is so delightful. Damn he rocks. With rocks too!
The "there are killers in the car with us" was way too funny.