Just because characters are evil doesn't make them not white or not important to the story, so I stand by my list. And I had totally forgotten that Simone's dad was named Charles, so I was really confused by the whole Charlie = Black thing. But if we're counting heroes who bit the bullet off screen, then we can go on and throw in Papa Petrelli, who was white and (as far as we know) not evil. Still believe that the show has been pretty equal opportunity in terms of the deaths. And last week, we lost Candace (maybe), so throw another one into pile whitey (and no points off for being evil in my book).
I would have said that of the two wounded Kirby Plaza heroes last season, I'd prefer Matt die rather than D.L. But now that we have 3M, I've been forced into liking Parkman, so I'm glad he didn't die. (Damn you, Kring!)
As for future deaths, I'd be happy to lose Nikki and los gemelos aburridos (although the boy twin is soooo pretty).