No, thankfully her powers do not include regenerating nail polish.
It was really gross that the bone regrew first though. I'd have thought the wound would heal over first (possibly giving Clair an "I'm a four-toed freak!" scare) before filling out fully.
Damn show. Making me like Parkman when I spent a perfectly good season not hardly caring.
I really kind of love that Matt is so...unsubtle. We've got all of these characters running around, planning conspiracies, being triple agents, and Matt hasn't figured out yet not to repeat people's thoughts back to them verbatim.
(Molly has two daddies!)
It's totally in character for him, though. I love it. He's all, what shall I do? I'll...ask her!
Finally, FINALLY caught up with the eps.
Season One finale blew me right the fuck away, though I kinda saw it coming. Well done, though.
Season Two is getting really exciting. Mr. Bennet still playing games but (supposedly) for the good guys is The Awesome.
Still find Peter Petrelli annoying, amnesia and all.
I really kind of love that Matt is so...unsubtle. We've got all of these characters running around, planning conspiracies, being triple agents, and Matt hasn't figured out yet not to repeat people's thoughts back to them verbatim.
It's a nice touch that the telepath is the blue-collar type that's not terribly bright, rather than being some genius or scientist like they usually tend to be in fiction.
It's a nice touch that the telepath is the blue-collar type that's not terribly bright, rather than being some genius or scientist like they usually tend to be in fiction.
That's one of the things I enjoy about the show in general. The powers don't necessarily fit the personalities of the characters, and the characters don't always react to their powers in predictable ways. I love that poor Dale got a kick out of her super hearing, and wouldn't have gotten rid of it, even though it undoubtedly had some severe drawbacks.
No, they tried to make him tell but he resisted.