George Takei is rocking my world. I am so excited for original flavor heroes.
ION, I miss my slightly darker Hiro from the end of last season. I hope he doesn't fall totally back into comic relief mode.
And the show is still the most ho-yay-tastic thing on the planet. My Two Dads, Nathan mourning over Peter, Ando keeping vigil at the sight where Hiro vanished?
Loving the dinner time small talk in the HRG household!
Are we sure it's the same dog?
So, Mama Bennet's gone round the twist, huh?
Didn't we establish last season that one can't change the past?
Nicely done, show. Nicely done.
Didn't we establish last season that one can't change the past?
Do you mean Hiro and Kensei? One might argue that he's putting the past right, rather than changing it.
Dear god. Between the accent and the attitude....Takeo Kensei is SO "I am not the original Dread Pirate Roberts, however..."
the emo hair is gone!
Who killed Papa Hiro?
Mama Petrelli was working those bangs!
Oh, noes, it's another one of Nathan's bastage children flying around, sending incest vibes to Claire (she seems to attract them, huh?)
"Putting right" as in "finding out what actually always happened" or as in "make what was supposed to happen happen"?
So, have 4 months passed in the present timeline while we joined Hiro exactly where he'd jumped to on the night he killed Sylar? Was he falling for four months? Have we seen this . . . shoot, what's the word in English . . . "desfase" in the timeline before? It seemed like the last time Hiro jumped backwards to try to save Charlie, the same amount of time passed for Ando in the present as for Hiro in the past. Or maybe I'm just crazy and Hiro spent months in the past with Charlie while only a few days passed for Ando in the present. Whew, time travel is confusing.